About Me


I’m Elizabeth, the founder and owner of AffiliteGrowthStrategy.com and I am here to help you see growth in your online business and affiliate journey. I have been in the affiliate marketing space for over 10 years so far and I absolutely believe in the power of this business model. It has allowed me to quit my job and earn passive income from anywhere in the world.

So let me tell you a little bit about how I got started as an affiliate marketer and my journey so far.

My Start in Online Business – Began in 2013

I began my affiliate marketing journey back in 2013. I had recently become a single mom and I had 2 young children at home. Basically I needed a way to make money for my family and also stay at home to take care of my kids. (SPOILER ALERT: I am now remarried and happier than I’ve ever been.)

My search for a full time income led me to the world of affiliate marketing. I honestly had never heard of this business model before but once I started to learn more about it, I saw INCREDIBLE POTENTIAL and I was ALL IN.

I am a firm believer in education and training. Anytime I want to learn about anything, I want to get information and advice from experts who know what they are doing. So I immediately set out to find more information and learn as much as I could.

After sifting through a lot of online information regarding affiliate marketing and what it was all about, I realized that I was just touching the surface. I needed more information and specific direction and strategies to be successful.

My research then brought me to Wealthy Affiliate… a comprehensive training platform and community of affiliate marketers. I was immediately impressed and knew that I could learn absolutely anything I needed to know within this platform in order to create a full time affiliate income for myself.

In fact, I had built my first affiliate website and made my first commission within the very first month. I remember because I was sitting on the beach enjoying the weekend when my phone notification went off and let me know that I had just made a commission. I WAS STOKED!!! This business really works!

Fast forward 10 years later and I have been able to build a successful affiliate marketing business as well as 5 websites that each earn money in different niches.

It has been an exciting and fun journey, because I get to do what I love and am interested in. For example, one of my passions is camping and RVing. I was able to build a website dedicated to my passion and my camping trips now provide me with content and a source of income.

Now I Have a Mission to Help Others Succeed…

I see so many people struggling to make money online and others who just want a second stream of income to help them out with rising costs and everyday financial goals. The entire reason I created this website is to help people just like you to succeed and realize true financial freedom.

Within Wealthy Affiliate as well as with this website, I hope to give people the motivation, skills, and encouragement that they need to truly thrive in an online business like affiliate marketing.

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and you want to check out this powerful training platform, you can sign up for a Free Starter Account here.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. Or you can connect with me directly inside Wealthy Affiliate where I can help you learn how to build a website like this one and start earning real income with it.

All the best,

Elizabeth – Founder


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